Coordonné / Ensembles

Another facet of making music, and perhaps the most important one, is making music with others; with two or with thirty.
The resulting joy is unbelievable. Singing together is a remarkable thing that I have been gratefully allowed to practice for 20 years.

From that passion flows also the founding and conducting of my own choir called Asem’, founded in 2018.

Discover below Coordonné, founded with Thomas Langlois, and other ensembles of which I am a member.


With the promotion and performance of early music as their goal, Anna Nuytten and Thomas Langlois, armed with voice and lute, have been playing high-profile concerts throughout Belgium for 2 years now.
The programme that Coordonné recently recorded for record label Etcetera consists of music that they hold very dear. The music of John Dowland is the common thread. More specifically: the “lute song”, the specific way in which Dowland combines lute and voice. They found in Brel and Barbara, among others, the same intimate form of expression and colour: an intimate dialogue between lute and voice, which only serves to give the word even more depth and substance.

This very first CD ‘Terrain Vague’ was released on Dec 1st 2021. They had the opportunity to talk about their new CD on KLARA with Olav Grondelaers during the Music Matters programme. You can re-listen to that interview here: The CD can be ordered via the button below.



Terrain Vague, Coordonné

Songs of Dowland, Brel, Barbara & more

Anna Nuytten, mezzo-soprano
Thomas Langois, lute & theorbo


Shipping costs € 3,00


09/11/2024Coordonné | Try-out Concert

24/11/24Coordonné | Concert | Ottenburg

27/12/24Coordonné | Concert | Ouwegem (Kruisem)

Coordonné is a young duo, born in the rehearsal rooms of the Royal Conservatory of Ghent.

Their special passion for Renaissance and Baroque music, but also for the contemporary repertoire, is expressed in refined and original performances.

Old sounds and fresh colours mix in an unexpected and surprising way.

Coordonné is asked for intimate poetry evenings as well as receptions or concerts in churches, chapels or urban art venues.

Interested in booking us?

+32 492 64 62 74 |

Ghent Singers

Swara Vocal Ensemble


Ex Tempore

“If music is a place then Jazz is the city, Folk is the wilderness, Rock is the road and Classical is the temple.”

Vera Nazarian


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    Concept & Design by Mark-Up.Agency / Photography Isabel Vanhalst